We demand the reinstatement of 300 positions offered through the CNRS recruitment campaign
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Public research is facing difficult times, yet its importance for society has never been more critical. At a moment in time when we are being confronted with the challenges imposed upon us by climate change, when democratic regimes face profound questioning, and when we must be increasingly vigilant in the face of “fake news”, never has the necessity to understand the world in a collective and unbiased manner, as well as to shed light on these things that threaten us, been more urgent.
Even so, the elimination of 340 permanent CNRS (National scientific research centre / Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) positions has been planned to occur by 2022, and this is in addition to the 1,581 permanent positions that have already been eliminated since 2005.
We cannot remain silent in the face of this significant lack of investment in research, in the face of the sacrifices of an entire generation of young researchers, and in the face of the presaged loss of expertise and attractiveness of our research system. We must demand support for fundamental research. Today, we must again act. Recent budgetary news have given us the opportunity: for the 2019 CNRS recruitment campaign only 250 positions will be opened, while 300 were opened last year (-17%) and in the years preceding. The heads of the various CNRS research sections have recently sounded the alarm via a text published in Le Monde, and it behooves every researcher, every academic, every student, and every citizen to lend them their support.
By defending the CNRS we participate equally in the general defence of higher education and of public research in France, and we act in favour of the production and diffusion of knowledge to the largest possible audience.
12046 signatories demand the reinstatement of the 50 positions that have been eliminated this year (see the complete list at the bottom of the page)!
How do we fund 50 CNRS positions?
The average cost of a CNRS researcher, averaged over his or her entire career and over all grades, is about 100 000 euros per year (this includes salary and contributions to social security, retirement, etc.). 50 positions are therefore valued at 5 million euros. Where can we find 5 million euros? Here are a few suggestions:
- The ANR (National Research Agency / Agence Nationale de la Recherche) has seen a 65-million-euro budget increase over 2 years. 5 million euros for the CNRS is therefore feasible.
- Program 190, which concerns dual research (civil and military) distributes 92 million euros per year to large private companies without any traceability (according to the La République En Marche ! party spokeswoman for the “Research and Higher Education” mission of the 2019 budget proposal). Taking 5 million euros to finance CNRS positions would not be scandalous.*
- The research tax credit represents 6 billion euros of fiscal expenditure, with results that we can barely see in terms of innovation (for example, in terms of patents or publications).
* Of note, an amendment with this exact goal was proposed by a deputy of the La République En Marche ! party, but it was rejected by the majority!
First signatories
Bruno Andreotti, Laboratoire de Physique Statistique | Dominique Archambault, Université Paris 8-Vincennes-Saint-Denis, CHART | Olivier Berné, IRAP | Muriel Darmon, CESSP-CNRS | Ghislain Deleplace, Université Paris 8, LED | François Denord, CESSP | Claude-Olivier Doron, SPHERE | Pascale Dubus, IHMC | Olivier Gimenez, CEFE UMR 5175 – CNRS | Pierre-Henri Gouyon, UMR CNRS-MNHN ISYEB | Hugo Harari-Kermadec, IDHES, ENS Paris-Saclay | Philippe Huneman, IHPST UMR8590 | Sophie Jallais, PHARE | chantal Jaquet, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne | Marc Joly, Laboratoire Printemps (UVSQ/CNRS) | Morgan Jouvenet | Laurent Loison, IHPST UMR 8590 | Cédric Lomba, Cresppa | Frédéric Lordon, CESSP | Pascal Maillard, EA 1337 Université de Strasbourg | Jean-Marie Maillars, LPTMC, CNRS, Sorbonne Université | Nicolas Mariot, CESSP UMR 8209 | Marie-Domitille Porcheron, CRAE EA 4291 UPJV Amiens | Joel Pothier, Sorbonne Université | Thomas Pradeu, ImmunoConcept | Maxime Quijoux, Lise | Céline Ruet, Université paris 13 | Arnaud Saint-Martin, CESSP/CNRS | Stéphane Schmitt, SPHERE | Nathalie Sigot Université, Paris 1, PHARE | Maud Simonet, IDHES/CNRS | Christian Topalov, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales | Eric Valentin, CRAE EA 4291 UPJV AMIENS.