Sélection d’articles sur la situation aux USA
Nous proposons une sélection d’articles, classée par date. La dernière mise à jour correspond aux articles postérieurs au 8 février 2025. Nous signalons par une étoile ★ les articles dont nous recommandons particulièrement la lecture.
Prises de position
- Les débuts de la présidence Trump ont suffi pour donner au cauchemar de l’Amérique virant au fascisme un amer parfum d’actualité. Philippe Bernard dans Le Monde (2 mars 2025)
https://www.lemonde.fr/idees/article/2025/03/02/les-debuts-de-la-presidence-trump-ont-suffi-pour-donner-au-cauchemar-de-l-amerique-virant-au-fascisme-un-amer-parfum-d-actualite_6572578_3232.html - Les mesures brutales de la nouvelle administration Trump s’apparentent à une attaque généralisée contre la science. Florence Débarre et Marius Gilbert dans Le Monde (1er mars 2025)
https://www.lemonde.fr/idees/article/2025/03/01/les-mesures-brutales-de-la-nouvelle-administration-trump-s-apparentent-a-une-attaque-generalisee-contre-la-science-et-la-place-de-l-expertise-dans-la-societe_6571055_3232.html - Trump’s war on climate science is pushing us into a dystopian future. Corey J. A. Bradshaw dans The Conversation (27 février 2025)
https://theconversation.com/trumps-war-on-climate-science-is-pushing-us-into-a-dystopian-future-250891 - Trump 2.0: an assault on science anywhere is an assault on science everywhere. Éditorial de Nature (25 février 2025)
https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-025-00562-w - Science under threat. The Royal Society (25 février 2025)
https://royalsociety.org/news/2025/02/science-under-threat/ - UK and other non-US scientists must act to support our US colleagues. Kit Yates (21 février 2025) ★
https://kityates.substack.com/p/uk-and-other-non-us-scientists-must - Résistance scientifique aux États-Unis : « La science est le premier des contre-pouvoirs ». France Culture (20 février 2025) ★
https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceculture/podcasts/l-info-culturelle-reportages-enquetes-analyses/resistance-scientifique-aux-etats-unis-la-science-est-le-premier-des-contre-pouvoirs-3947231 - Trump 2.0: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (17 février 2025)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cw0F8G4-dMw - The History of Wealth Throughout History. Sarah Cooper (13 février 2025)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cJ1IZsp750 - Anger, despair, and defiance from a voice within the US federal research system. BMJ (12 février 2025)
https://www.bmj.com/content/388/bmj.r294 - Sciences sociales : la France doit accueillir les chercheurs victimes de la chasse aux sorcières de Donald Trump. Romain Huret dans Libération (10 février 2025)
https://www.liberation.fr/idees-et-debats/tribunes/sciences-sociales-la-france-doit-accueillir-les-chercheurs-victimes-de-la-chasse-aux-sorcieres-de-donald-trump-20250210_OSMF5GQVHZEXXBSG6NZH6R34G4/ - Message from Society for the Study of Evolution (10 février 2025)
https://mailchi.mp/evolutionsociety.org/message-from-sse-council-2-10-25 - La résistance universitaire au trumpisme. Entretien avec Joan W. Scott (11 février 2025)
https://mouvements.info/la-resistance-universitaire-au-trumpisme/ - Higher Ed Fights Back Against Trump’s DEI Order, Inside Higher Ed. (février 2025)
https://www.insidehighered.com/news/government/2025/02/05/higher-ed-organizations-sue-against-trumps-dei-orders - Against Anticipatory Obedience. American Association of University Professors
https://www.aaup.org/report/against-anticipatory-obedience - American chaos: standing up for health and medicine. Éditorial du Lancet (8 février 2025)
https://www.thelancet.com/action/showPdf?pii=S0140-6736%2825%2900237-5 - Scientific institutions have a long history of anticipatory obedience. Phil Ball dans Chemistry World (7 février 2025) ★
https://www.chemistryworld.com/opinion/scientific-institutions-have-a-long-history-of-anticipatory-obedience/4020931.article - Announcing the Data.gov Archive. Library Innovation Lab at Harvard Law School (6 février 2025)
https://lil.law.harvard.edu/blog/2025/02/06/announcing-data-gov-archive/ - The End of Science’s Peacetime. C. Brandon Ogbunu (6 février 2025)
https://undark.org/2025/02/06/opinion-end-of-science-peacetime/ - Of course it’s a coup. Timothy Snyder (5 février 2025)
https://snyder.substack.com/p/of-course-its-a-coup - Twenty Four Hours. Mike Brock (4 février 2025)
https://www.notesfromthecircus.com/p/twenty-four-hours - Nobel laureates call on National Academies and biotech CEOs to speak out against Trump attacks on science. Stat (3 février 2025)
Attaque contre les institutions scientifiques
- NSF downsizes summer research program for undergraduates. Science (27 février 2025)
https://www.science.org/content/article/nsf-downsizes-summer-research-program-undergraduates - Trump’s EPA Plots Single Strike Against US Climate Change Rules. Bloomberg (26 février 2025)
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2025-02-26/trump-s-epa-plots-single-strike-against-us-climate-change-rules - US pulls back from gold-standard scientific climate panel. Nature (26 février 2025) ★
https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-025-00596-0 - Donald Trump et Elon Musk plongent la science américaine dans un indescriptible chaos. Le Monde (23 février 2025)
https://www.lemonde.fr/idees/article/2025/02/23/donald-trump-et-elon-musk-plongent-la-science-americaine-dans-un-indescriptible-chaos_6559868_3232.html - How Trump could be derailing a major global climate report. The Washington Post (22 février 2025)
https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2025/02/22/trump-federal-scientists-climate-work-ipcc/ - Trump bars federal scientists from working on pivotal global climate report. CNN (21 février 2025)
https://edition.cnn.com/2025/02/21/climate/trump-blocks-scientists-ipcc/index.html - U.S. early-career researchers struggling amid chaos. Science (21 février 2025) ★
https://www.science.org/content/article/u-s-early-career-researchers-struggling-amid-chaos - Fired federal workers share the crucial jobs no longer being done. Science News (21 février 2025)
https://www.sciencenews.org/article/fired-federal-workers-jobs-science - The University of Pittsburgh pauses its Ph.D. admissions process amid research funding uncertainty (21 février 2025)
- Trump’s siege of science: how the first 30 days unfolded and what’s next? Nature (20 février 2025) ★
https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-025-00525-1 - Revealed: NIH research grants still frozen despite lawsuits challenging Trump order. Nature (20 février 2025) ★
https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-025-00540-2 - National Academies is altering pending reports to appease Trump administration, some members say. Stat (20 février 2025)
https://www.statnews.com/2025/02/20/national-academies-altering-pending-reports-to-appease-trump-administration-members-say/ - Des scientifiques américains interdits de communications avec des collègues canadiens. Radio Canada (19 février 2025)
https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/2141751/acces-communications-scientifiques-americains-canadiens - The NIH Memo That Undercut Universities Came Directly From Trump Officials. The Atlantic (19 février 2025)
https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2025/02/nih-indirect-cost-memo-hhs/681736/ - Mass firings decimate U.S. science agencies. Science (18 février 2025) ★
https://www.science.org/content/article/mass-firings-decimate-u-s-science-agencies - Drug inspectors, AI experts, maternal health workers: Trump’s health agency cuts are far-reaching. Stat (17 février 2025)
https://www.statnews.com/2025/02/17/trump-layoffs-hhs-impact-on-health-safety-cdc-fda-cms/ - Trump Ends Climate Work Inside Agency That Responds to Disasters. Bloomberg (16 février 2025)
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2025-02-16/trump-ends-climate-work-inside-agency-that-responds-to-disasters - CDC cuts expected to devastate Epidemic Intelligence Service, a ‘crown jewel’ of public health. Stat (14 février 2025)
https://www.statnews.com/2025/02/14/trump-cdc-cuts-include-epidemic-intelligence-service-outbreak-investigators/ - How Trump’s Medical Research Cuts Would Hit Colleges and Hospitals in Every State. The New-York Times (13 février 2025)
https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2025/02/13/upshot/nih-trump-funding-cuts.html - Noaa imposes limits on scientists, sparking concerns over global forecasts. The Guardian (12 février 2025)
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/12/noaa-restrictions-climate-science-forecasts - Trump policies spark fears of brain drain, threatening to undermine U.S. dominance in biomedicine. Stat (12 février 2025)
https://www.statnews.com/2025/02/12/trump-cuts-medical-research-brain-drain-young-scientists-see-better-opportunity-abroad/ - Cornell, 11 Other Universities Sue NIH After Multi-Million Dollar Grant Cuts Announced. The Cornell Daily Sun (11 février 2025)
https://cornellsun.com/2025/02/11/cornell-11-other-universities-sue-nih-after-multi-million-dollar-grant-cuts-announced/ - Elon Musk built his wealth from taxpayer-funded research — now he’s trying to destroy future science. Salon (11 février 2025) https://www.salon.com/2025/02/11/elon-musk-built-his-wealth-from-taxpayer-funded-research–now-hes-trying-to-destroy-future-science/
- Aux États-Unis, une nouvelle revue scientifique fondée par des chercheurs trumpistes. Courrier international (11 février 2025)
https://www.courrierinternational.com/article/publication-aux-etats-unis-une-nouvelle-revue-scientifique-fondee-par-des-chercheurs-trumpistes_227535 - Comment l’administration Trump censure les femmes et les minorités à l’université. Mediapart (10 février 2025)
https://www.mediapart.fr/journal/international/100225/comment-l-administration-trump-censure-les-femmes-et-les-minorites-l-universite - A “body blow” for climate research: Trump pauses NOAA collaboration with “foreign nationals”. Canada’s National Observer (10 février 2025)
https://www.nationalobserver.com/2025/02/07/news/body-blow-climate-research-trump-noaa-collaboration-foreign-nationals - NOAA told to search grant programs for climate-related terms. Axios (9 février 2025)
https://www.axios.com/2025/02/09/noaa-search-grants-climate-change-terms - Here’s how big a hit some universities may take if NIH slashes support for indirect research costs. Stat (9 février 2025)
https://www.statnews.com/2025/02/09/nih-indirect-research-costs-losers-stanford-vanderbilt-ut/ - Trump Administration Cuts Put Medical Progress at Risk, Researchers Say. The New-York Times (8 février 2025)
https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/07/us/politics/medical-research-funding-cuts-university-budgets.html - Here are the words putting science in the crosshairs of Trump’s orders. The Washington Post (février 2025)
https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2025/02/04/national-science-foundation-trump-executive-orders-words - “It’s a Circus”: Trump Unleashes Chaos at Key US Science Agency. Bloomberg (8 février 2025)
- “My boss was crying.” NSF confronts potentially massive layoffs and budget cuts. Science (7 février 2025) ★
https://www.science.org/content/article/my-boss-was-crying-nsf-confronts-potentially-massive-layoffs-and-budget-cuts - Supplemental Guidance to the 2024 NIH Grants Policy Statement: Indirect Cost Rates (7 février 2025)
https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-25-068.html - Abandoned in the Middle of Clinical Trials, Because of a Trump Order. The New York Times (6 février 2025)
https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/06/health/usaid-clinical-trials-funding-trump.html - White House budget proposal could shatter the National Science Foundation. Ars Technica (5 février 2025)
https://arstechnica.com/science/2025/02/white-house-budget-proposal-could-shatter-the-national-science-foundation/ - Doge staffers enter Noaa headquarters and incite reports of cuts and threats. The Guardian (5 février 2025) ★
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/04/doge-noaa-headquarters - Revised and Extended: What’s Happening Inside the NIH and NSF. Science (5 février 2025) ★
https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/revised-and-extended-what-s-happening-inside-nih-and-nsf - Trump Orders Could Drain Millions From Universities, but Few Protest Openly. The New York Times (4 février 2025)
https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/04/us/trump-executive-orders-universities.html - Exclusive: how NSF is scouring research grants for violations of Trump’s orders. Nature (3 février 2025) ★
https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-025-00365-z - Trump orders cause chaos at science agencies. Science (3 février 2025) ★
https://www.science.org/content/article/trump-orders-cause-chaos-science-agencies - Trump preps order to dismantle Education Dept. as DOGE probes data. The Washington Post (2 février 2025)
https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2025/02/03/trump-education-department-dismantling-executive-order-draft/ - CDC advisers push agency to explain data removal, say when info will be restored. Stat (1er février 2025)
https://www.statnews.com/2025/02/01/cdc-data-websites-removed-advisers-ask-acting-director-explain-resotre/ - NSF starts vetting all grants to comply with Trump’s orders. Science (30 janvier 2025) ★
https://www.science.org/content/article/exclusive-nsf-starts-vetting-all-grants-comply-trump-s-orders - Chaos erupts in US science as Trump’s team declares freeze on federal grants. Nature (28 janvier 2025) ★
https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-025-00266-1 - Trump hits NIH with ‘devastating’ freezes on meetings, travel, communications, and hiring. Science (22 janvier 2025) ★
https://www.science.org/content/article/trump-hits-nih-devastating-freezes-meetings-travel-communications-and-hiring - Wafik El Deiry, the anti-qualified Science Guardian. Leonid Schneider sur son blog For Better Science (21 janvier 2025)
Qui sont les techno-fascistes libertariens ?
- MAGA’s Orwellian notion of “free speech”. Public Notice (28 février 2025)
https://www.publicnotice.co/p/trump-vance-munich-orwellian-free-speech - Grok, Musk, Vance : l’IA et la guerre contre la vérité, une conversation avec Gary Marcus. Grand Continent (28 février 2025)
https://legrandcontinent.eu/fr/2025/02/28/grok-musk-vance-lia-et-la-guerre-contre-la-verite-une-conversation-avec-gary-marcus/ - Inside Kash Patel’s Whirlwind Start at the FBI (27 février 2025)
https://www.wsj.com/politics/policy/kash-patel-fbi-director-start-actions-c3d5d57f - The US is talking about mass sterilisation – again. Yorkshire bylines (25 février 2025)
https://yorkshirebylines.co.uk/news/world/the-us-is-talking-about-mass-sterilisation-again/ - Why Musk admires China. The Financial Times (21 février 2025)
https://www.ft.com/content/d1d650f7-7de7-4695-aea6-91ebd1c45ad6 - The Incompetence of DOGE Is a Feature, Not a Bug. Wired (20 février 2025)
https://www.wired.com/story/doge-incompetence-mistakes-feature-not-bug/ - « Croyons les techno-monarchistes et libertariens américains lorsqu’ils annoncent vouloir se débarrasser de la démocratie ». Le Monde (20 février 2025)
https://www.lemonde.fr/idees/article/2025/02/20/croyons-les-anarcho-capitalistes-americains-lorsqu-ils-annoncent-vouloir-se-debarrasser-de-la-democratie_6555481_3232.html - Blacklisté – sur le rapport fasciste de Trump au langage. Olivier Ertzscheid dans AOC (20 février 2025)
https://aoc.media/opinion/2025/02/19/blackliste-sur-le-rapport-fasciste-de-trump-au-langage/ - Elon Musk’s Demolition Crew. ProPublica (20 février 2025)
https://projects.propublica.org/elon-musk-doge-tracker/ - Une étude montre une forte augmentation de la haine en ligne après l’arrêt du « fact-checking » par Meta. RFI (19 février 2025)
https://www.rfi.fr/fr/technologies/20250219-une-%C3%A9tude-montre-une-forte-augmentation-de-la-haine-en-ligne-l-arr%C3%AAt-du-fact-checking-par-meta - DOGE Claimed It Saved $8 Billion in One Contract. It Was Actually $8 Million. The New York Times (18 février 2025)
https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/18/upshot/doge-contracts-musk-trump.html?unlocked_article_code=1.yE4.Qyxv.7AizyFV7824L - This Is How Trump Will Smash the Machine of U.S. Economic Power. The New York Times (17 février 2025)
https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/17/opinion/trump-economic-security-crypto.html?unlocked_article_code=1.xk4.u9TV.DSPh205cQkrN&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare - Speed Up the Breakdown. The New York Review (15 février 2025)
https://www.nybooks.com/online/2025/02/15/speed-up-the-breakdown/ - Les penseurs qui murmurent à l’oreille de Trump et veulent mettre à bas la démocratie. Philosophie (14 février 2025)
https://www.philomag.com/articles/les-penseurs-qui-murmurent-loreille-de-trump-et-veulent-mettre-bas-la-democratie - The Recruitment Effort That Helped Build Elon Musk’s DOGE Army. Wired (8 février 2025) ★
https://www.wired.com/story/elon-musk-doge-recruiting-palantir/ - More Babies! The New-York Review (7 février 2025)
https://www.nybooks.com/online/2025/02/07/more-babies-trump/ - What Elon Musk Wants. The New York Times (7 février 2025) ★
https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/07/opinion/ezra-klein-podcast-kara-swisher.html - Palantir’s Billionaire CEO Just Can’t Stop Talking About Killing People. Gizmodo (7 février 2025)
https://gizmodo.com/palantirs-billionaire-ceo-just-cant-stop-talking-about-killing-people-2000560597 - The Young, Inexperienced Engineers Aiding Elon Musk’s Government Takeover. Wired (2 février 2025) ★
https://www.wired.com/story/elon-musk-government-young-engineers/ - Curtis Yarvin, le gourou des « Lumières obscures » qui veut peser sur la présidence Trump. France 25 (21 janvier 2025)
https://www.france24.com/fr/%C3%A9co-tech/20250121-curtis-yarvin-gourou-lumi%C3%A8res-obscures-qui-veut-peser-pr%C3%A9sidence-trump - “The Interview”: Curtis Yarvin Says Democracy is Done. The New York Times (18 janvier 2025)
https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/18/magazine/curtis-yarvin-interview.html - Ultra Hardcore (Elon Musk). The New York Review (18 janvier 2025)
https://www.nybooks.com/articles/2024/01/18/ultra-hardcore-elon-musk-walter-isaacson/ - The tech bros have front-row seats at Trump’s inauguration, but what they want goes way beyond that. The Guardian (18 janvier 2025)
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2025/jan/18/tech-bros-trump-inauguration-silicon-valley-nation-state - Trump: “I Need the Kind of Generals That Hitler Had”. The Atlantic (22 octobre 2024)
https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/10/trump-military-generals-hitler/680327/ - The Nazi Jurist Who Haunts Our Broken Politics. The New-York Times (13 juillet 2024)
Attaque contre la démocratie
- À la Maison-Blanche, Zelensky est tombé tout droit « dans le piège » de Trump et de Vance. Courrier international (1er mars 2025)
https://www.courrierinternational.com/article/ukraine-a-la-maison-blanche-zelensky-est-tombe-tout-droit-dans-le-piege-de-trump-et-de-vance_228269 - Behind the Collision: Trump Jettisons Ukraine on His Way to a Larger Goal. The New York Times (28 février 2025)
https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/28/us/politics/trump-ukraine-zelensky.html - The DOGE Takeover Is Worse Than You Think. Wired (27 février 2025)
https://www.wired.com/story/doge-worse-than-you-think/ - The private GOP panic over the slash-and-burn DOGE firings. Politico (20 février 2025)
https://www.politico.com/news/2025/02/20/gop-lawmaker-doge-cut-panic-00205282 - “They’re Scared Shitless”: The Threat of Political Violence Informing Trump’s Grip on Congress. Vanity Fair (19 février 2025)
https://www.vanityfair.com/news/story/trump-congress-political-violence - Trump signs order declaring only president and AG can interpret US law for executive branch. Jurist News (19 février 2025)
https://www.jurist.org/news/2025/02/trump-signs-order-declaring-only-president-and-ag-can-interpret-us-law-for-executive-branch/ - Elon Musk’s DOGE Team Seeks Access to I.R.S. System With Taxpayers’ Records. The New York Times (17 février 2025)
https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/17/us/politics/musk-irs-doge.html - ‘This is a coup’: Trump and Musk’s purge is cutting more than costs, say experts. The Guardian (17 février 2025)
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/17/trump-musk-government-cost-cutting-coup - J. D. Vance appelle la droite allemande à faire une alliance avec l’extrême droite. Le Monde (15 février 2025)
https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2025/02/15/j-d-vance-appelle-la-droite-allemande-a-faire-une-alliance-avec-l-extreme-droite_6547386_3210.html - Trump Officials Attack a German Consensus on Nazis and Speech. The New York Times (15 février 2025)
https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/15/world/europe/vance-musk-nazis-afd-munich.html - Top US Election Security Watchdog Forced to Stop Election Security Work. Wired (14 février 2025)
https://www.wired.com/story/cisa-election-security-freeze-memo/ - JD Vance says Germany should work with the far right AfD and not ignore “the will of the people”. The Independant (14 février 2025)
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/afd-germany-vance-far-right-immigration-b2698222.html - Is It a Coup? Liberal Currents (12 février 2025)
https://www.liberalcurrents.com/is-it-a-coup/ - Donald Trump to halt enforcement of law banning bribery of foreign officials. The Financial Times (11 février 2025)
https://www.ft.com/content/f880bfc3-6069-427b-9873-51255d4e0b8c - Why Federal Courts May Be the Last Bulwark Against Trump. The New York Times (9 février 2025)
https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/09/us/trump-federal-courts-lawsuits.html - In chaotic Washington blitz, Elon Musk’s ultimate goal becomes clear. The Washington Post (8 février 2025) ★
https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2025/02/08/doge-musk-goals/ - A Constitutional Crisis? The New York Times (7 février 2025)
https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/07/briefing/a-constitutional-crisis.html - White House Says Musk Will Police His Own Conflicts of Interest. Bloomberg (5 février 2025)
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2025-02-05/white-house-says-musk-will-police-his-own-conflicts-of-interest - Elon Musk Weaponizes the Government. Lawfare (5 février 2025)
https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/elon-musk-weaponizes-the-government - Trump Riles Washington as He Tries to Overthrow the Existing Order. The New York Times (4 février 2025)
https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/04/us/politics/trump-president-washington-dc.html - Elon Musk et son « Département de l’efficacité gouvernementale » se livrent à une opération de casse sans précédent. Libération (4 février 2025) ★
https://www.liberation.fr/international/amerique/a-washington-elon-musk-et-son-doge-se-livrent-a-une-casse-sans-precedent-20250204_ELNBN5VGCNCFTGFJMCMH372QOM/ - A 25-Year-Old With Elon Musk Ties Has Direct Access to the Federal Payment System. Wired (4 février 2025) ★
https://www.wired.com/story/elon-musk-associate-bfs-federal-payment-system/ - Personal Discretion Over the Treasury’s Payments System Means the End of Democracy. Liberal Currents (4 février 2025)
https://www.liberalcurrents.com/personal-discretion-over-the-treasurys-payments-system-means-the-end-of-democracy/ - Inside Musk’s Aggressive Incursion Into the Federal Government. The New-York Times (3 février 2025)
https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/03/us/politics/musk-federal-government.html?unlocked_article_code=1.uU4.o3L_.8UoK0YPAKnHU&smid=bs-share - Musk aides lock workers out of OPM computer systems. Reuters (2 février 2025)
https://www.reuters.com/world/us/musk-aides-lock-government-workers-out-computer-systems-us-agency-sources-say-2025-01-31/ - Elon Musk’s Doge team granted “full access” to federal payment system. The Guardian (2 février 2025) ★
https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2025/feb/02/elon-musk-doge-access-federal-payment-system - Trump’s disregard for US constitution “a blitzkrieg on the law”, legal experts say. The Guardian (1er février 2025) ★
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/01/trump-executive-orders-constitution-law - Elon Musk’s Team Now Has Access to Treasury’s Payments System. The New York Times (1er février 2025)
Attaque contre les institutions régulatrices
- The Anti-Vaccine Movement Gets Help. Steady (28 février 2025)
https://steady.substack.com/p/the-anti-vaccine-movement-gets-help - Trump’s Cuts Come With Risks. Including From Volcanoes. The New-York Times (28 février 2025)
https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/28/climate/alaska-volcano-monitoring-doge.html - FDA meeting to choose flu vaccine composition canceled without explanation. CNN (27 février 2025)
https://edition.cnn.com/2025/02/26/health/news-fda-meeting-to-choose-flu-vaccine-composition-canceled-without-explanation/index.html - She Lobbied for a Carcinogen. Now She’s at the E.P.A., Approving New Chemicals. The New York Times (26 février 2025)
https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/26/climate/epa-lynn-dekleva-formaldehyde.html?unlocked_article_code=1.004.jwsT.Y3vBr1BUkl1K&smid=url-share - FAA targeting Verizon contract in favor of Musk’s Starlink, sources say. The Washington Post (26 février 2025)
https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2025/02/26/musk-starlink-doge-faa-verizon/ - Etats-Unis : refusant de « démanteler » les services publics, un tiers du personnel du Doge démissionne. Les échos (26 février 2025)
https://www.lesechos.fr/monde/etats-unis/etats-unis-refusant-de-demanteler-les-services-publics-un-tiers-du-personnel-du-doge-demissionne-2150819 - Donald Trump veut réduire massivement les effectifs de l’Agence de protection de l’environnement américaine. Le Monde (26 février 2025)
https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2025/02/26/donald-trump-veut-reduire-massivement-les-effectifs-de-l-agence-de-protection-de-l-environnement-americaine_6565962_3210.html - Multimillion-dollar Biden-era COVID-19 vax project halted by Trump’s HHS. AOL (25 février 2025)
https://www.aol.com/multimillion-dollar-biden-era-covid-222505162.html - HHS warns employees that responses to Elon Musk’s request may “be read by malign foreign actors”. NBC News (24 février 2025)
https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/doge/hhs-warns-responses-elon-musks-email-may-read-malign-foreign-actors-rcna193553 - DOGE will use AI to assess the responses of federal workers who were told to justify their jobs via email. NBC News (24 février 2025)
https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/doge/federal-workers-agencies-push-back-elon-musks-email-ultimatum-rcna193439 - Some Trump Appointees Resist Musk’s Ultimatum to Federal Workers. The New York Times (23 février 2025)
https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/23/us/politics/elon-musk-email-federal-workers.html - CDC’s « disease detectives » apparently spared in DOGE cuts at health agencies. CBS News (20 février 2025)
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cdc-disease-detectives-doge-cuts-health-agencies/ - FDA cuts hit AI division, even as Trump invests in the technology. Stat (16 février 2025)
https://www.statnews.com/2025/02/16/fda-layoffs-center-for-devices-radiological-health-cdrh-artificial-intelligence-doge/ - Le Sénat américain valide la nomination du vaccinosceptique Robert F. Kennedy Jr à la tête du ministère de la santé. Le Monde (13 février 2025)
https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2025/02/13/le-senat-americain-valide-la-nomination-du-vaccinosceptique-robert-f-kennedy-jr-a-la-tete-du-ministere-de-la-sante_6545411_3210.html - The NSA’s “Big Delete”. Popular Information (10 février 2025)
https://popular.info/p/the-nsas-big-delete - Un cadre de l’USAID témoigne : « C’est un coup d’État ». Mediapart (10 février 2025)
- White House Preparing Order to Cut Thousands of Federal Health Workers. The Wall Street Journal (6 février 2025)
https://www.wsj.com/health/healthcare/white-house-preparing-order-to-cut-thousands-of-federal-health-workers-bd1e0b7f?st=pUuS34 - E.P.A. Tells More Than 1,000 They Could Be Fired “Immediately”. The New-York Times (3 février 2025)
https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/03/climate/trump-epa-workers-zeldin.html - CDC Researchers Ordered to Retract Papers Submitted to All Journals. MedPageToday (1er février 2025)
https://www.medpagetoday.com/opinion/faustfiles/114043 - USDA orders removal of climate change mentions from public websites. ABC News (31 janvier 2025)
Attaque contre les droits civiques
- États-Unis : une censure conservatrice « sans précédent » prive les écoles de milliers de livres. France 24 (20 février 2025)
https://www.france24.com/fr/am%C3%A9riques/20250219-etats-unis-censure-conservatrice-prive-ecoles-milliers-de-livres - Utah Bans Collective Bargaining for Public Workers. The New York Times (15 février 2025)
https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/15/us/utah-public-workers-collective-bargaining.html - Nazi flags can fly in Utah schools, but not pride flags, GOP lawmaker says. The Salt Lake Tribune (13 février 2025)
https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2025/02/13/nazi-flags-can-fly-utah-school-not/ - DEI information disappears from University web pages, drawing community concern. The Stanford Daily (13 février 2025)
https://stanforddaily.com/2025/02/13/dei-removal-from-web-pages/ - Elon Musk’s Vision Is Coming Into Focus—and It Looks a Lot Like Neo-Apartheid. The Nation (13 février 2025)
https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/elon-musk-doge-neo-apartheid/ - Un journaliste refoulé de la Maison Blanche car son employeur n’utilise pas le terme « golfe d’Amérique ». Le Monde (12 février 2025).
https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2025/02/12/un-journaliste-refoule-de-la-maison-blanche-car-son-employeur-n-utilise-pas-le-terme-golfe-d-amerique_6542954_3210.html - Top FEMA Official Is Fired Over Payments for N.Y.C. Migrant Shelters. The New-York Times (11 février 2025)
https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/11/nyregion/fema-fired-nyc-migrant-hotels.html - Tracking Higher Ed’s Dismantling of DEI. The Chronicle of Higher Education (7 février 2025)
- Federal health workers terrified after “DEI” website publishes list of “targets”. NBC News(5 février 2025)
https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/federal-health-workers-terrified-dei-website-publishes-list-targets-rcna190711 - Workers at NASA Told to “Drop Everything” to Scrub Mentions of Indigenous People, Women from Its Websites. 404 (4 février 2025)
https://www.404media.co/nasa-dei-drop-everything-executive-order/ - Removal of DEI content from a microbiology group’s website shows reach of Trump executive orders. Stat (3 février 2025)
https://www.statnews.com/2025/02/03/trump-executive-order-american-society-for-microbiology-removes-dei-content/ - Pentagon swaps desk for New York Times reporters for New York Post. The Guardian (1er février 2025)
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/01/pentagon-media-rotation - NASA shutters diversity offices to comply with executive order. SpaceNews (22 janvier 2025)